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Illegal Not Illegal
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:39
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 Illegal (21)
 Not Illegal (17)

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Cigarettes should be made illegal

Cigarettes should be made illegal


Side Score: 20
Winning Side!

Not Illegal

Side Score: 17
1 point

Hello, I am Ananya and I support the idea that cigarettes should be made illegal! Cigarettes cost a great deal of money, which makes people very poor. Cigarettes also harm the body and cost the lives of many people.It also influences teenagers negatively due to peer pressure.

Cigarettes are a very dangerous addiction.Since they are very addictive, people are unable to break smoking habit. People also believe that it can help with emotional problems, like stress.

While the smoking give temporary relief from stress, the cigarettes impacts smoker’s mental and physical health.

Another problem with cigarettes is that it causes air pollution. The chemical components inside a cigarette goes into the air and poisons it. As a matter of fact, manufacturing of cigarettes played a role in the smog problem in China. Also, when people smoke, they release those dangerous chemicals and pass it onto other people in the vicinity.

My final problem with cigarettes is they are really expensive. A small pack of cigarettes costs $6 to more than $13! This may not seem much, but as people start to get addicted, they start to lose hundreds of dollars just to cigarettes. This affects people because they won't have money to pay for bills or use it for good causes.

Currently, more than 1/7 of the world population smokes as of 2012, compared to only about a tenth as of 1980. This is really bad because as time goes on, the number of smokers would grow and more people would die. Cigarettes also cause diseases like emphysema(a type of lung disease), and lung cancer. Everyone in the world wants to stop cancer, but that won't happen if the smokers continue this trend of smoking. Every year on average, people waste about 5000 dollars on cigarettes. That is way too much to be spending on cigarettes.

To summarize my points, cigarettes are a dangerous addiction leading to long term mental and physical illness. My second point is that manufacturing of cigarettes cause air pollution, and my final point is that it costs money. Hence the proposition side has won this debate!

Side: Illegal
singhshivam(2) Clarified
1 point

I completely agree, but to clarify manufacturing and actually smoking cigarettes cause air pollution.

Side: Illegal
1 point

I support the argument that cigarettes should be made illegal. Cigarettes are a threat to every living thing on this planet. Cigarettes can cause a various number of diseases such as, Cancer, Throat infection, and other things such as bad breath and yellow teeth. Cigarettes also can cause a type of poverty. Some cigarettes are so expensive people don’t care about the price of them because they are so addicted, and eventually are almost dying but have no money to pay for a treatment. The last reason why cigarettes should be banned is because they harm the atmosphere.

Cigarettes should be banned because they can cause a various number of diseases. Cigarettes cause Cancer, Throat infection and other life threatening diseases. These diseases will blacken your lungs and you will eventually be breathing multiple chemicals.

Cigarettes should be banned because they cost so much that people who smoke are mostly paying for cigarettes instead other things. Cigarettes help fill people’s appetites and eventually people wouldn’t need to even eat food because they are surviving on cigarettes.

The last reason why cigarettes should be banned is because they release harmful gases into the atmosphere and kill the environment. People who smoke leave their cigarettes all over the place and don't even bother to pick them up. People who walk by somebody smoking eventually breathe all the chemicals in and two people will get a disease.

This is why cigarettes should be illegal.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Assertion: Tobacco is deadly. It is one of the deadliest things in the history of civilization.

Reasoning: It kills about 6,000,000 people every year

Note: Think about that. There are about 7 billion people in the world. If smoking kills about 6 million a year, that is about 3/3500 people a year. That may not seem like much, but multiply that by about a century. That's a lot of people dead. If we don't ban smoking, that number may grow.

Evidence: In the U.S., smoking is the cause of 480,000 deaths a year. In the world, it causes 6 million deaths a year.

Assertion: Secondhand smoke

Reasoning: It's not just the smoker who's in danger, it's the people around him.

Evidence: When someone smokes around other people, those people are affected. Approximately 2,500,000 people have died from secondhand smoke worldwide since 1964.

Evidence: Pregnant women who smoke give their developing child more of a chance for a serious disease. Also, this puts stress on the poor baby's developing lungs and heart and makes it harder for it to breathe. This leads to a loss of needed nourishment or at least makes it harder to obtain that.

Note: If we endanger our babies and children, we endanger our future. There's just no way around it. We eventually, will die and they will take our places and do things just as great, if not greater. If we endanger them, we leave our future and theirs to hang in the balance.

Assertion: Smoking costs non-smokers, too.

Reasoning: It's not just the smokers who have to pay for their cigarettes.

Evidence: The total economic cost of smoking is around $300 billion a year

Evidence: Some of that includes nearly $170 billion in direct medical care for adults.

Side: Illegal
NvisionN4(2) Disputed
1 point

For the assertion of secondhand smoking, you do not need to ban cigarettes to stop secondhand smoking. People choose to stay in an area where someone is smoking. You can easily walk away at any time. In addition, if the government shows the public more ads about babies that have gotten these birth defects, that would be enough to convince smoking moms to stop. After all, a mom loves her child like no other.


Side: Not Illegal
1 point

My name is Shivam Singh and I am completely for cigarettes becoming illegal. My reasons are the following:

Cigarettes are a major health concern to smokers. They can cause multiple fatal diseases such as cancer, periodontitis, peptic ulcers, and many more harmful diseases. Latest research has determined that cigarette smoke also influences the process of cell division in the cardiac muscle and changes heart's shape. Cigarettes also cause many oral problems such as black lips, burnt tongue, and throat damage. Smoking cigarettes can cause halitosis, tooth loss, and cavities. In 2014, cigarettes were the cause of 6 million deaths, 450,00 of which were underaged smokers. The projection for 2015 is off the chart, it is projected that there will be 300 million deaths because of cigarettes at the end of the 21st century.

Cigarettes are also, though, a significant cause of harm to the natural environment. Cigarette manufacturing consumes scarce resources in growing, curing, rolling, flavouring, packaging, transport, advertising and legal defence, but also causes harms from massive pesticide use and deforestation.Cigarettes also cause air pollution. Cigarettes cause 10 times more pollution than diesel according to Environmental tobacco smoke produces fine particulate matter, which is the most dangerous element of air pollution for health.This air is breathed by many other people and it causes second hand smoking. Not only is the smoker harming his/her self but also the people around him/her.

Finally, cigarettes are also very expensive. An average smoker smokes 2 packs per week in the United States, the average price for cigarettes around the United States is approximately $6. This means an average smoker would pay about $2000 yearly. That is $2000 wasted on something that is completely unnecessary and has an overall negative effect on you. Also, cigarettes cost the United States over 300 million dollars yearly. 175 million dollars to care for care for adult smokers, and 150 million for premature deaths and second hand smoking deaths. Lastly, non-smokers have to pay taxes because of cigarettes.

As you can see, cigarettes have nothing but negative effects. I think cigarettes should be illegal for the reasons above

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello my name is Gurmehar and I support the fact that cigarettes should be illegal.

My first reason why cigarettes should be illegal is that cigarettes harms everyone-smokers and nonsmokers.. When you smoke you are not only affecting yourself, you are affecting other people around you. Smoking also affects people's mental and physical conditions. When you smoke outside people around are inhaling the same smoke smoking which affects them adversely.

My next point why cigarettes should be illegal is that smoking is the most major cause of preventable death. Cigarettes can cause cancer and lung disease, also one out of five deaths in America is caused by smoking. Cigarettes also contain 4,000 chemicals which harms the body.

My last but certainly not least point is that smoking puts a financial burden on society. Cigarettes are very expensive now and each pack costs about $14. People who smoke also have to pay for the health insurance and the medical checkups, also the government has to pay 203 billion dollars for lost productivity, health care costs, medical cost, and lost wages.

To summarize my points, smoking harms everyone-smokers and nonsmokers. My second point was that smoking is the most major cause of preventable death, and my third point was that smoking puts a financial burden on society.

Hence the proposition side has won this debate.

Side: Illegal
1 point

I am completely for cigarettes becoming illegal. There are many reasons to support this.

The cigarette is the deadliest object in the history of human civilization. Cigarettes kill about 6 million people every year. Cigarettes are also defective because they have been engineered to produce a smoke that can be inhaled. Tobacco smoke was rarely inhaled prior to the nineteenth century; it was too harsh, too alkaline.

Cigarette industry is a powerful corrupting force in human civilization. Big tobacco has corrupted science by sponsoring ‘decoy’ or ‘distraction research, but it has also corrupted popular media, insofar as newspapers and magazines dependent on tobacco advertising for revenues have been reluctant to publish critiques of cigarettes.

Cigarettes are also, though, a significant cause of harm to the natural environment. Cigarette manufacturing consumes scarce resources in growing, curing, rolling, flavoring, packaging, transport, advertising and legal defence, but also causes harms from massive pesticide use and deforestation. Many Manhattans of Savannah woodlands are lost every year to obtain the charcoal used for flue curing. Cigarette manufacturing also produces non-trivial greenhouse gas emissions, principally from the fossil fuels used for curing and transport, fires from careless disposal of butts, and increased medical costs from maladies caused by smoking.

Lastly, cigarettes are also very expensive. An average smoker smokes about 2 packs per week, the average price for a pack is 6$. This means that they are probably spending 2000$ on cigarettes only. This is a total waste since it has no good effect on you at all. A cigarette also costs the US over 300 million dollars yearly. 175 million dollars to care for care for adult smokers, and 150 million for premature deaths and second hand smoking deaths. Lastly, non-smokers have to pay taxes because of cigarettes.

Considering all the negative reasons above, we should definitely make cigarettes illegal.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hi, my name is Nithin Gudavalli, and I believe that cigarettes should be illegal.

My first reason is that the most deaths each year are caused by cigarettes and many of the problems leading to death are also caused by cigarettes. For example, lung cancer, throat cancer, diabetes, and pneumonia. Around the world, 1.1 billion people smoke. Now out of those people at least 40 to 60 percent of people will be affected terribly. Not only, the smoker will be affected, but also his family. Second-hand smoking can also cause the problems listed above. So along with the smoker, people who live them also have a chance of being affected badly.

My next reason is that smokers spend most of their money on cigarettes. Since they become so addicting, they continuously buy them, which leads to them spending a good amount of money on cigarettes. About 1.1 billion dollars are spent on cigarettes worldwide and an average person spends about $7,000 yearly on cigarettes. All of that money they spend on cigarettes, could be used to for better reasons, such as supporting your family, paying of loans, and medical bills.

My third reason is that cigarettes also effect the environment greatly. For example, some chemicals from the factories that were making cigarettes were released into the water source nearby. This caused many animals in that lake to die and lose their homes. It also effected us because some of the chemicals helped the production of mosquitoes to grow nearby which increased the rate of malaria.

To sum it all up, smoking is very harmful to us because of all of the bad side effects it has which can cause to death. Also, it is a huge financial expense and all the money put towards it, doesn't even benefit you. Along with this, it also effects the environment badly. Stating all of these reasons, I believe that cigarettes should be illegal.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hi, I am Agni Rajinikanth. I believe that Cigarette smoking should be made illegal.

Assertion #1

Smoking is highly addicts so why are they legal?

Reasoning #1

Approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced all around the world each year and about 1.1 million people or more smoke them. Cigarettes have chemical called nicotine which addicts people to use it more even though they know it is bad for your health.

Evidence #1

The inhaled substances trigger chemical reactions with nerve endings. When tobacco is smoked most of the nicotine is pyrolysis or become decomposed through heating to a high temperature.

Assertion #2

It takes out people’s lives and is a threat to our body.

Reasoning #2

Cigarette smoking fills your lung with ash and deposits toxic in our lungs and other organs and is poisoning your body. The usage of tobacco increases rates of colds, infections, diseases and other illnesses too.

Evidence #2

There are more than 440,000 deaths each year caused by smoking. People who smoke die because of cancer, houses on fire, lung diseases, respiratory disease and fetus and infant deaths. People who smoke die 10 years earlier.

Assertion #3

Second hand smoking kills people too

Reasoning #3

People will get affected by second hand smoking. For example, if smokers are close by non-smokers, the non-smokers too inhale the toxic that comes out of the cigarette which is equivalent to smoking. It gives birth disorders for infants whose moms smoke during pregnancy.

Evidence #3

Feeding Moms who smokes will pass nicotine to their infant via breast milk. Between 150,000 and 300,000 infants and children under 18 months are affected each year by lower respiratory tract infections each year resulting in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations. Second hand smoker cause approximately 38,000 deaths per year.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hi, My name is Megha Thomas and I believe that cigarettes should be made illegal for these three reasons.

1. Assertion: Cigarettes are horrible for people’s health.

Reasoning: They cause so many deaths and health problems. The cigarette is also a defective product, meaning not just dangerous but unreasonably dangerous, killing half its long-term users. And it’s addictive by design.

Evidence: approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced globally each year and are smoked by over 1.1 billion people or greater than one-sixth of the world population. Cigarettes kill about 6 million people every year, a number that will grow before it shrinks. Tobacco is public enemy No. 1 in preventive illness. A study published on Jan. 24 in the New England Journal of Medicine found that smoking takes at least 10 years off a person's life.

2. Assertion: Financial Burdens

Reasoning: There are financial burdens on public and private treasuries, principally from the costs of treating illnesses due to smoking. Cigarette use also results in financial losses from diminished labor productivity, and in many parts of the world makes the poor even poorer.

Evidence: Costs include indirect costs related to workday losses due to morbidity and direct costs associated with inpatient and outpatient care. Non-smokers also pay for the costs of smoking, primarily in the form of higher health insurances and medical costs related to secondhand smoke, leading to higher taxes and higher prices for healthcare products and services. Tobacco-related deaths result in lost economic opportunities. In the US, these losses are estimated at US$92 billion a year. Tobacco-related diseases result in lost income tax and social security contributions, which put a heavy economic burden on society.

3. Assertion: Cigarettes do more harm than harming people’s health

Reasoning: Apart from reducing human suffering, abolishing the sale of cigarettes would result in increased labor productivity, lessened harms from fires, reduced consumption of scarce physical resources, and a smaller global carbon footprint.

Evidence: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, smokers are more likely to absent from work than non-smokers. But even if you never miss a day, smoke breaks will cut into your productivity. The cigarette industry is a powerful corrupting force in human civilization. Tobacco companies have bullied, corrupted or exploited countless other institutions: the American Medical Association, the American Law Institute, sports organizations, fire-fighting bodies, Hollywood, the US Congress—even the US presidency and US military.

Nearly 50 percent of Americans would like to see cigarettes made illegal. It is possible to ban cigarettes. Congress holds that power. The legal framework to declare tobacco a controlled substance is certainly under the constitutional purview of the United States. It is not in principle difficult to end the sale of cigarettes; most communities–even small towns–could do this virtually overnight. We actually have more power than we realize to put an end this, the world's leading cause of death and disease.

Thank you, my name is Megha Thomas, and hence the proposition side has won this debate.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Assertion – Cigarette smoking should be illegal.

1. Cigarette smoking is very addictive and the only way to prevent it is to make it illegal to buy/sell in public places

2. Cigarette smoking causes cancer and causes approx. 480,000 deaths every year .That’s about 1 out of every 5 deaths

3. Smoking is estimated to increase the risk of -

a. Coronary heart disease by 2 – 4 times.

b. Stroke 2 – 4 times

c. Of men having lung cancer by 25 times.

d. Of women having lung cancer by 25.7 times.

e. Smoking causes over all diminished health.

4. Smoking is bad for the many who buy it , and people buy a lot of what is bad for them (cigarettes),and so it is basically killing yourself if you are addicted to smoking

5. Smoking cigarettes causes cancer in nearly every single body part, and again ().

Evidence –

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello I am Ryan Johnson and I am on the proposition team for this debate. This mean I will be telling you why cigarettes should be made illegal.

Assertion: Cigarettes have substances including poison, detergent, rocket fuel, and moth repellent.

Reason: More than 6 million people die from cigarettes a year. 48,000 die a year in the U.S.A. 600,00 people die from inhaling the fumes of cigarettes a year. People do not only die from smoking them. (American Cancer Society)

Evidence: Over 4000 chemical compounds are created by burning a cigarette – 69 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer. Cigarettes are a delivery system for toxic chemical and carcinogens.(

Assertion 2: Cigarettes causes diseases and problems in your body.

Reason: A couple of diseases include Cancer, heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and peripheral vascular disease. Cigarettes cause oral and periodontitis.

Evidence: Cigarettes robs you of some of your good cholesterol. Cigarettes temporarily raises your blood pressure. Cigarettes increases the blood’s clotting likelihood. Cigarettes makes it more difficult to exercise.( GettingHealthy/QuitSmoking/QuittingSmoking/How-Cigarettes-Damage-Your-Body UCM322735_Article.jsp)

Assertion 3: Your kids suffer from you.

Reason: Thousands of kids every day have to go to hospitals everyday from inhaling smoke from cigarettes.

Evidence: When you use cigarettes around kids the kids:

have an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS or cot death).

have more respiratory infections such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis and pneumonia.

have an increased risk of slower lung growth.

have an increased risk of middle ear diseases.

have an increased risk of wheezing, coughing and breathlessness.


If you smoke think about what you do to people other than you. Again my name is Ryan Johnson and the proposition has won this debate.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Good day everyone, my name is Zoe Rivera, and I strongly believe that cigarettes should be illegal. Cigarettes bring you one step closer to death. Now, I would like to elaborate on my three key points.

1. Cigarettes are NOT the only source of revenue; there are plenty of others forms of income.

2. Cigarettes harm the environment greatly; both from building the tobacco farms and the planting of the crop itself.

3. Cigarettes/tobacco contribute greatly to poverty.

I would first like to advance onto my beginning point.

Cigarettes are obviously not the only source of revenue in our booming nation. According to the USA's Top Exports list, the number one export is machines, engines, and pumps. Following suite is medical and technical equipment. Nowhere on that list is the sheer production and construction of tobacco/cigarettes. ( Cigarette-producing companies actually have made numerous attempts to exploit or corrupt several institutions, such as sports organizations, fire-fighting bodies, and even Hollywood! The industries that I mentioned are OTHER sources of revenue; much more productive than the mass selling of tobacco-related death tools. It is even shown that cigarettes harm approximately 52% of miniature, pharmacy-focused shops. (source: These stores' sole purpose is to prevent the masses from cigarettes controlling their already short lives. Cigarettes are a cancer to society, economics, and social bonds; as well as it being one of the largest causes of the notorious disease itself.

The people who toil away for endless hours on tobacco farms for little pay do not need to continue to endure this suffrage. There are several other employment fields, such as medicine, mechanics, literature, fruit/vegetable producers, and countless others that tobacco pickers can flock to.

In the USA, the bond between the tobacco industry and the tobacco farmer finally is beginning to break down, and partnerships are developing between the farmers and the public health community. Even the producers of this mortal product despise it; isn't that proof enough Judge? The useless conjecture about cigarettes being one of the top 5 prime exports our country has to offer cannot stand out more than this; the plight of the farmers themselves.

Next, I would like to move on to my second key assertion.

Cigarettes truly degenerate the majestic state of our environment. The harmful impact of the tobacco industry on deforestation, climate change, litter, and forest fires is enormous and growing. Many chunks of savannah woodlands are lost every year to deforestation; to clear plots to produce cigarettes, and from massive pesticide usage. An estimated 200,000 hectares of forests and woodlands are cut down each year because of tobacco farming. (source: Not only does the construction of the tobacco farms detrimental to the acres of gorgeous trees, plains, and reeds coating the valleys; the crop itself causes much chemical and physical harm to the environment.

The manufacturing of tobacco products produces an immense amount of waste. In 1995, the global tobacco industry produced an estimated 2.3 billion kilograms of manufacturing waste and 209 million kilograms of chemical waste. (source: In addition, tobacco, more than other food and cash crops, depletes soil of nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Once tobacco grows in a colossal plot, similar to how most farmers plant the crop, hardly any other autotroph can grow there.

And it this uneventful torture of our environment, aquatic and land animals, and own kind does not cease there, Judge! The cigarettes, the wrapped product of tobacco, is a major issues itself, leaving death in its wake. According to data from the United States Fire Administration, the careless disposal of cigarettes is the first or second-leading cause of fire-related deaths every year in the USA. (source: This cannot be tolerated; tobacco destroys and disrupts everything in its trail, the cigarettes (the topic we are concentrating on) more deadly than the first stage, raw tobacco. I absolutely do not want cigarettes poisoning and reducing my nation to dust; I would recommend you join me as well, Judge.

Lastly, I would like to expand on my third point.

Cigarettes and poverty are inextricably linked. Many studies have shown that in the poorest households in some low-income households as much as 10% of total household expenditure is on tobacco, therefore, there is less money to spend on basic items such as food, education and health care. In addition to its direct health effects, tobacco leads to malnutrition, increased health care costs and premature death. It also contributes to a higher illiteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead. (source: Cigarettes are gateways and tickets straight into the heart of poverty. John Madley also notes in his book, Big Business Poor People, that heavy advertising of tobacco by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) can 'convince the poor to smoke more'. Now, the curse that cigarettes wrought upon mankind is not limited to the poor; the rich and moderately wealthy suffer from this as well. Tobacco is not a way to heave you out of poverty; it only stoops you down lower.

In conclusion, Judge, after hearing the true, realistic nature of these tobacco-wrapped tools, do you genuinely still believe that this ban is petty? Cigarettes are not an efficient way to improve our country's health, productivity, and society.

Now ask yourself this question:

Are we putting the price tag on cigarettes, or are they pricing US?

It is with this speech, that I strongly believe the proposition side has won this argument. Thank you for your time.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello,my name is Vaishnavi and I agree that cigarettes should be made illegal.

(1) First of all smoking is a very horrible thing to do - (1R) It is very unhealthy. (1E) Statistics show that smoking takes away 10 years away from a person's life.

(2) Smoking is highly addictive - (2R) People can't stop doing it. (2E) Because of this their are 450,000 premature deaths every year. Approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced globally each year and are smoked by more than 1/6 of the population by the world.

(3) 2nd hand smoking is very dangerous for people who don't want to smoke and want to be healthy. (3R) 2nd hand smoking can cause stroke and lung cancer! (3E) A breakdown of recently reported data showed some populations were still being affected more than others by 2nd hand smoke!

(4) Also if a pregnant lady smokes it will affect her baby! (4R) When a pregnant lady smokes it is hard for the baby to breathe. (4E) Smoking doubles the risk of stillbirth!

Smoking is very dangerous and should be made illegal. Thank You

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello I am Rachel Wanagosit. I think that Cigarettes should be illegal for the following reasons below.

Assertion: We should ban cigarettes.

Reasoning: It causes more deaths a year than all of the other substances put together. Nicotine is very addictive.

Evidence: It is also proven that more than 450,00 deaths were caused by smoking.

( source: )

Assertion:1.1 billion smoke around the world.

Reasoning: First of all smoking isn't doing any good for them. Second has something called nicotine inside of it to make addictive. There is another substance called acetycholine. Both of these working together will increase heart rate. Having high heart rate is bad because this may lead to heart problems. If you have a very serious heart problem you may die from it. This is one of the many ways people die from smoking cigarettes.


Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello I'm Rachel Wanagosit continuing on what she said before.

Assertion: Second hand smoking is bad for people

Reasoning: Second hand smoking can cause harm to your own children. Any small children is next generation of our world so you don't want them going the wrong way and being like and i quote " Imma gonna smoke a pack wanna come with me"

If you smoke when your pregnant your may not come out normal because of all the bad stuff going through your body to harm the baby.

Evidence: It has been prover that over hundreds of people havr been killed by second hand smoking.

This proves you shouldn't smoke and if you still smoke do it in a far far away place so nobody gets hurt except obviously. Okay except the smoker but that'ls there choice it;s not our fault tried smoking.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello I am on the proposition side of this debate stating that Cigarettes should be illegal

Assertion:Cigarettes cause cancer and changes in appearance

Reasoning:You can get yellow teeth and can die

Evidence:It kills hundreds of thousands of Americans each year

Assertion:2nd hand smoking causes harm

Reasoning:When you smoke it affects you and everyone around you

Evidence:Have poisonous chemicals and statistics show that parents that smoke their kids are prone to more coughs and colds if you go to a doctors office one of the first things that the doctors will ask is if there is a smoker in the family

Assertion:Bad influence

Reasoning:Children may think that because someone around them is smoking it is okay or "cool" to smoke this can affect our generation and the new one

Evidence:Statistics show that if an adult is smoking Children may start to smoke which leads to underage smoking

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the proposition side of this debate.

Assertion: Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the U.S. each year.

Reasoning:Nearly 280,000 men die from smoking each year. Nearly 200,000 women die from smoking each year.

Evidence: Nearly 480,000 Americans die each year because of smoking.

Assertion: Cigarettes are very expensive.

Reasoning: They cost from $6-$13 every pack.

Evidence: an average smoker would spend about $2000 yearly for packs of cigarettes.

Assertion: Your house can catch on fire.

Reasoning: About 1000 Americans die each year from smoking related house fires.

Evidence: Smoking causes 90,000 fires per year in the U.S. 90% of wildfires in the U.S. are caused by smoking.

Smoking can damage your health, make you poor, and can start a fire.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Assertion: Cigarettes kill more than 6 million people a year.

Reasoning: Many diseases are caused by cigarettes such as Cancer, heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and peripheral vascular disease.

Evidence: There are more than 100 ingredients in a cigarette. Here are some of the worst- Acetone, Methanol, DDT, Cadmium, and Arsenic.( On tobacco farms, the soil is so badly affected that nothing else can grow in the soil. When cigarettes are produced, they leave behind so much harmful waste. The soil is depleted of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. My name is Milind Singh and I believe the proposition has won this debate.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Assertion: Cigarettes have caused many people to die.

Reasoning: People that smoke are dying because their lungs are being damaged by inhaling tobacco. Also, people who inhale the smoke when they are wandering somewhere near them, also can get sick. This does not do any good and it damages a perfectly good person.

Evidence: It states in the passage,” Tobacco clearly takes a significant toll on the lives of Americans, causing 450,000 premature deaths each year, and drastic measures should be taken to eliminate the habit from our lives, including, some say, banning cigarettes.”

Assertion: Cigarettes waste so much ingredients just because of force of habit.

Reasoning: They use tobacco blend, paper, PVA glue, and often also a cellulose acetate- based filter.At the end, all this work to make the cigarettes, goes to waste. People are wasting way too much money to smoke once they become addicted.

Evidence: It says in the passage,”Cigarettes can contain over 100 ingredients.” All these ingredients have ruined many people's lives.

Assertion: Smoking is very addicting and it's hard to quit.

Reasoning: When women,that are pregnant, smoke, they ruin their child’s health. When that child, could have been a scientist, doctor, or anything that helps this world, why do you want that child’s health to not be as good as it could have been, Also, being so young and inhaling this chemicals, can also cause the baby to die.

Evidence: It states in the passage that out of the many smokers, 12.7% are or have been pregnant.

Side: Illegal
1 point

1. Assertion- Cigarettes are bad for your your health

Reasoning- Cigarettes can cause throat and lung cancer. Cigarettes can also cause severe throat infections and even sinus infection.

Evidence- 65% of long-time smokers get cancer and 40% of long-time smokers die because of smoking.

2. Assertion- Cigarettes are bad for the economy

Reasoning- lots of money is spent on cigars worldwide

Evidence-75 billion dollars are used on cigarettes each year in the US.

Note- this large sum of money can be used for more important things like cancer research.

3. Assertion- Cigarettes make non-smokers pay extra

Reasoning- When smokers get ill and go to hospitals it makes the society pay for their care.

Evidence- When a smoker gets sick and goes to a hospital civilians that use the same insurance as the smoker must pay for the expenses of the smoker.

4. Assertion- Cigarettes cannot be stopped.

Reasoning- Tobacco is addictive and very hard to stop once you have started to smoke.

Evidence- 8/10 people that start smoking become long-time smokers.

Side: Illegal
0 points


1.Cigarettes should be made illegal because they cause your body to get weaker and overtime, you can die.

-There are over one hundred ingredients and chemicals in cigarettes and some are poisonous such as arsenic (lethal poison) and polonium 210 (radioactive element). Some diseases caused by cigarettes are cancer, periodontitis, and peptic ulcers.

-According to, about five million people die from smoking every year and according to, there are over one hundred chemicals in cigarettes and those various chemicals can cause a number of diseases.

2. Cigarettes should be made illegal because they harm our environment and

many ecosystems.

-When cigarettes are smoked the bad chemicals get released into the air. Cigarettes are not biodegradable so they will last for a long time causing pollution. Even when people litter the cigarette butt, it is still toxic.

-According to, 1.69 billion pounds of cigarette butts end up as toxic waste causing many environmental issues.

3. They should be illegal because people cause other people to start smoking so the

number of smokers will increase.

-More and more people smoking will increase the number of problems that we have.

-According to, 42 million people smoke.

Side: Illegal
1 point

Assertion: If we ban cigarettes, there will be a rise in crime surrounding it.

Reasoning: In the 1920's, the prohibition of alcohol led to the rise in organized crime.

Evidence: Cigarettes are addictive. So is alcohol. If people are addicted to something, they will sometimes do terrible and illegal things to get their hands on it.

Assertion: Cigarettes could be sold on the black market

Reason: Higher cigarette taxes and federal taxes will make black market cigarette sellers more profitable.

Evidence: Higher cigarette taxes and federal taxes will make black market cigarette sellers more profitable. This will lead to more illegal smuggling of cigarettes.

Side: Not Illegal
helengocher(1) Clarified
1 point

Dear CJdebator,

I think you intended the reasoning for your 1st assertion to be about the Prohibition of Alcohol (not drugs). In 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed. It banned the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. It ushered in a period in American history known as Prohibition which led DIRECTLY to:

1.) the increase of the illegal production and sale of liquor (known as “bootlegging”)

2.) the proliferation of speakeasies (illegal drinking spots)

3.) the rise in Organized Crime and gang violence

By 1933, ONLY 13 years later, Americans grew to despise what Prohibition was doing to the country, so Congress proposed the 21st Amendment to the Constitution which made alcohol legal again.

If we don't want history to repeat itself again, then cigarettes should not be made illegal!

Side: Illegal
1 point

Hello, I am Agni.

Cigarette smoking should not be made illegal.

Smokers go through withdrawal symptoms.

There will be high demand for cigarettes in black markets.

Governments can no longer get taxes on cigarettes.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hi, My name is Megha Thomas and I do NOT believe that cigarettes should be made illegal for these two reasons.

1. Assertion: In today's society, such a goal would be extremely difficult to implement.

Reasoning: There are many obstacles in the way of banning cigarettes.

Evidence: Barriers to passing such a ban include the power of big tobacco companies and the cost of enforcing such a law.

2. Assertion: The people won’t be happy

Reasoning: Banning cigarettes could lead to a number of disastrous things

Evidence: Modern history suggests that such a measure could lead to disastrous consequences such as the Drug War. From black market activity to lost revenue and from a divisive constituency to the disappearance of an industry, tobacco prohibition could actually do more harm than good in the long run. This will just encourage smuggling, organized crime, and yet another failed war on drugs. Prohibition of cigarettes has already been tried and failed. Also, banning cigarettes will be horrible for the economy, as it makes a lot of money from cigarette sales.

Thank you, my name is Megha Thomas, and hence the opposition side has won this debate.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello everyone, my name is Zoe Rivera and I strongly believe that cigarettes, (I remind you, cigarettes, not the concept of smoking) should not be illegal. I would like to start by confirming my three key points.

1. Cigarettes are a great source for government revenue.

2. Many citizens toil away at tobacco farms; banning the cigarette means destroying these people's only means of income.

3. Banning the cigarette is a violation against people's free will to smoke; disrupting our concept of a democracy.

Now, I would like to expand on my first point.

Cigarettes are a great source for government revenue. Think about it; cigarettes are sold at those Mom and Pop shops down the street, including public places at the mall.

Forcing cigarettes to be shunned from society is practically closing down these businesses for good. A 2005 study based on the California Tobacco Survey found that 82 percent of adolescent ever smokers obtained their cigarettes from gas stations and local, small, corner-street stores a few blocks away from their abodes. (source: Although it may seem to be obvious that gas stations receive their revenue from oil distribution, more than 60 percent of cigarette sales take place there, according to Euromonitor International, a consumer research group.(source: Banning cigarettes is shattering their business profits into several small pieces. Gas stations going out of business contributes to hundreds, even thousands of people losing their simplistic, oil pumping jobs. If we passed this cigarette ban, I would not want to carry the weighted guilt of knowing that I cost innocent civilians their means of payment.

Cigarettes may seem detrimental to the health of civilians, but at the cost of causing businesses to go bankrupt, and people to lose their living? Before the proposition side brings up the fact of smoking being a stressor against healthiness, the concept we are focusing around is the cigarette itself. NOT, I repeated with added fury, NOT the smoking part itself. In 2007, states collected more than $19 billion in cigarette taxes, and Maryland, which doubled its tax to $2 in January, was one of 10 states that voted last year to increase those collections. (source: The government itself collected over 7 billion dollars in July, 2014. According to Mr. Modi’s calculations, federal taxes on menthol cigarettes alone could purchase five B-2 bombers or 22 F-22 Raptor aircraft or pay one year of health insurance for 682,727 Americans. That is a boat load of cash people, would you really want to flush this down the drain and ruin the lives of innocent American people?

Next, I will elaborate on my second point.

Banning or getting rid of cigarettes permanently will put people who work on tobacco farms out of the grid for good. Loss of tobacco-related jobs and income will affect hundreds of communities, both rural and urban, that rely on tobacco for part of their economic base. Most communities where tobacco is grown and manufactured will make the transition to a smaller tobacco industry with little difficulty. However, a number of counties, mostly in Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia, depend on tobacco for a significant share of local income. These counties have generated relatively few economic alternatives to tobacco. Would you want these states to lose, realistically, their main source of income? I think not.

There are approximately 90,000 farms that grow tobacco leaf. Tobacco products are also an important source of tax revenue for federal, state, and local governments. (source: North Carolina is the largest producer of tobacco, with around 1,800 tobacco farms employing 30,000 workers, yielding in 400 million pounds of the crop annually. Depriving 30,000 American civilians of their tobacco picking jobs is what this, embargoing the production of cigarettes, will do. Let these people keep their jobs, Judge. It is there only means of survival, due to over half of these people being immigrants from Mexico and South American countries. (source: www.who.nit)

Finally, I shall discuss my third point.

Banning the cigarette is basically telling people what they can or must not do. Our country is a presidential democracy, isn't it? Freedom for all people. Our citizens have free will, their own choice, to decide if they want to purchase cigarettes or not. The government is transforming this into an idea that they are 'doing this for the health of its dear citizens', Joe Nickelson, the husband of a smoker, stated. (source:

The government is drifting away from its path of a fair and prosperous nation for all if it believes that snatching away our citizen's right to lawfully purchase tobacco is keeping it a 'fair game for everyone.'

It is with this evidence that I strongly believe that cigarettes should not be illegal. Thank you for your time.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello my name is Ryan Johnson and I am on the opposition side of this debate. I will be telling you why cigarettes should not be illegal.

Assertion: People will always use cigarettes no matter what.

Reason: People can sell cigarettes in the black market. Drugs are illegal. Guess what? People still use them. What make you think that people will not use cigarettes if drugs are being use even know they are "banned".

Evidence:20 million people have used illegal drugs in the last month.


Assertion 2: There has to be another way to stop people from using cigarettes with banning them.

Reason: Some states like New Jersey have risen the price of cigarettes. This means people have to pay more. This may make them stop to think if it is worth it.

Evidence: A pack of cigarettes in New Jersey now costs over $20.00. In 2013 they costed $8.55 a pack of cigarettes.(


Again my name is Ryan Johnson. The opposition side has won this debate.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello, my name is Kaushik Vemparala, and I am arguing for the opposition side of this debate: cigarettes should not be made illegal.

Assertion: Will lead to a rise in black market activity.

Reasoning: If we make cigarettes illegal, people who are addicted to cigarettes will do anything to find an alternative. Then, they will start buying from the black market. will start buying cigarettes from “shady” dealers. Also, people will start smuggling cigarettes like they do with drugs.

Evidence: The banning of drugs started a rise in the black market activity.

Assertion: It will upset the citizens.

Reasoning: When addictive smokers learn that cigarettes became illegal, which they should not, there will be a big revolt.

Evidence: The drug war began after the prohibition of drugs. This war caused mass destruction, and had a huge impact on people's lives in a negative way. Do you want this to happen again?

Assertion: There are people who make a living off of raising tobacco crops.

Reasoning: There are a lot of families that get food on their table by the growing of tobacco. Taking away tobacco would be like taking away their life.

Evidence: North Carolina is the largest producer of tobacco, with around 1,800 tobacco farms, and 30,000 employees. It would be unfair to take away the jobs of these people.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

1.Cigarettes should be legal because they provide jobs for many people around the world.

-Many people work and get paid to grow tobacco and they own huge plots of land to do this. Millions of people work in factories that produce cigarettes. Because cigarettes are legal, people work and get paid, so they have enough money to support their families. Since they have jobs, the unemployment rate is also lower.

-According to, 100 million people work in the tobacco industry and if cigarettes are made illegal, those people won’t have any livelihood.

2. Cigarettes should be legal because they provide the government a lot of tax revenue.

-The government gets this money and this will help them improve infrastructure, provide homeless people with houses, and help the country in other ways.

-According to, about 15.5 billion dollars is made from cigarette sales tax.

3. Cigarettes should be legal because they help stores make money.

-Cigarettes cost a lot these days so convenience stores get a lot money so that they can stay open. People also get jobs if these stores are open.

-According to, the average convenience store makes 430,000 dollars a year.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello my name is Vaishnavi Bhalla and i do not agree that cigarettes should be illegal.

(1) It is not necessarily unhealthy (1R) People should have choices and be able to make their own values. (1E) A new study by Yeshiva University’s Institute for Aging Research, shows that people who made it to the ripe age of 95 were just as likely as their shorter-lived peers to engage in the kinds of lifestyle habits that researchers deem unhealthy: eating fried foods, drinking, smoking and failing to exercise. Almost 30% of the centenarian women had smoked (over 100 cigarettes) in their lifetime, while 26.2% of the comparison women did. Smoking rates were 60% for centenarian men and 75% for comparison men.

(2) Cigarettes are not necessarily addictive. (2R) One can wean off the addiction by using nicotine base products.example:nicotine gum. (2E) Based on a report published by harvard medical school titled "overcoming addiction paths toward recovery"

(3) Second hand smoking can be drastically reduced (3R) Smoke free rules can be set like not smoking in house, car or in front of kids, prohibiting smoking in public facilities such as schools, hospitals, airports,etc. (3E) According to national cancer institute and CDC [Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention) website: at

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hi my name is Vishnu Gade. I strongly do not support the topic that cigarettes should be illegal.

Assertion: It will create a place for cigarettes in the black market

Reasoning:It is a very addictive item if it taken away the black market will not miss the chance.

Evidence: If we make cigarettes illegal, we are giving the black market a chance to make a ton of money. Plus the people who don't have access to the black market might start a war like the drug war. Except way worse.

Therefor I know that the opposition side has won the debate.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hi my name is Nikhith Nookala and I am on the opposition side for this debate. I am here to debate that cigarettes should NOT be made illegal. I have three contentions to support my viewpoint.

Assertion 1: Cigarette purchases have decreased because the states like New Jersey have been increasing the tax on them. This way, not as many people buy cigarettes and those who do provide states with more revenue.

Evidence: According to the NJ treasury, cigarette sales have dropped over 40% since shooting cigarette prices upwards. Whereas cigarettes used to cost two dollars or so, they now can cost over ten dollars. People who usually buy cigarettes can't afford to pay that much money.

Assertion 2: It is human nature to find loop holes and bend the rules. If we make cigarettes illegal, smokers will find some loophole to get their cigarettes illegally. This will promote and fund the black market even more!

Evidence: Think about a rule you have in your household. If you are a kid and you are locked out of all devices, you'll do anything to find the password to prove your parents wrong. Even I do that at home. I'm tempted to break the rules. There is nothing wrong with the thought; it is just human nature. But, cigarettes have additives and ingredients like nicotine, that make cigarettes more addictive(a lot more addictive than video games). How do you think the addicted smokers are going to react. They want cigarettes so they'll find loop holes or smuggle them into the U.S. If cigarettes are not made illegal, smokers wouldn't even get the idea of smuggling them. It is not how humans usually think.

Assertion 3: Making cigarettes illegal would be sacrificing the jobs of all the tobacco farm workers in the south and reducing the government's yearly revenue by a lot.

Evidence: According to the USDA, there are approximately 90,000 tobacco leaf farms in the U.S. These farms not only sustain the lives of millions, but provide a significant amount of revenue for the government. According to the New York Times, about 19 billion dollars have been collected by the U.S government from cigarette taxes. If we ban cigarettes, you would be sacrificing the lives of millions while diminishing the government's ability to better our communities and public areas. Would you rather have a couple hundred thousand people die from smoking or millions die because they can't support themselves financially? And, since cigarettes are not being purchased as much as before, not as many people are dying. We don't need to make cigarettes illegal. Doing so would just promote chaos.

Now to recap my points:

1. Cigarette purchases have decreased because the states like New Jersey have been increasing the tax on them. This way, not as many people buy cigarettes and those who do provide states with more revenue.

2. It is human nature to find loop holes and bend the rules. If we make cigarettes illegal, smokers will find some loophole to get their cigarettes illegally. This will promote and fund the black market even more!

3. Making cigarettes illegal would be sacrificing the jobs of all the tobacco farm workers in the south and reducing the government's yearly revenue by a lot.

My name is Nikhith Nookala and for these reasons, the opposition side has clearly... won the debate. Thank You!

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello I am on the opposition side of this debate stating that cigarettes should not be

Fact:49% say yes to smoking

Assertion:Government gets money off of cigarette boxes

Reasoning:high taxes

Evidence:the taxes of a cigarette box is $1.01

Assertion: People have their own right to make decisions of their body

Reasoning:It gives precaution on a cigarette box

Evidence:It says on cigarette boxes that WARNING THIS PRODUCT


Assertion:If the government makes cigarettes illegal most people will still smoke from smuggled goods or take in another form of nicotine which still does damage

Reasoning:Nicotine is addicting

Evidence: states that nicotine is addicting

Source : and

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Assertion: If cigarettes are banned then there will be a black market and crime happening around them.

Reasoning: A lot of people buy cigarettes. If they are banned people will do anything to get them, such as crime.

Evidence: When alcohol was banned in the 1920's there was a period of time called the "Drug Wars". There was an increase in organized crime and black market selling surrounding the banning of alcohol. The Drug Wars affected the country so badly, the government made alcohol legal again. If we don't want that to happen to cigarettes, they should not be banned. This is Milind Singh and I believe that the opposition has won this debate.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the opposition side of this debate.

Assertion: Many people would lose their jobs.

Reasoning: Thousands of people work in the tobacco

Evidence: Many people would lose their jobs.

Assertion: Cigarettes would be sold on the black market.

Reasoning: The higher cigarette taxes and federal taxes will make black market sellers more profitable.

Evidence: This will lead to more illegal smuggling of cigarettes.

Assertion: You can make your own choice if you want to smoke.

Reasoning: It says on the box all of the diseases that you can by smoking.

Evidence: 65% of the graphics on the box tell what a cigarette can do to you.

We should make cigarettes illegal because many people can lose their jobs, cigarettes could be sold on the black market, and you can choose if you want to smoke. it is not someone's fault if you get some diseases.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Assertion: Will lead to a rise in black market activity !

Reasoning: It is human nature to find a way and bend the rules. If we make cigarettes illegal, smokers will find some loophole to get their cigarettes illegally. This will promote and fund the black market even more!

Evidence: Smokers will do anything to find an alternative to the situation. Cigarettes have additives and ingredients like nicotine, that make cigarettes more addictive. Addictive smokers want cigarettes so they'll find a way. They might smuggle them into the U.S. If cigarettes are not made illegal, smokers wouldn't even get the idea of smuggling them. It is not how humans usually think.

Assertion: Making cigarettes illegal will put jobs at risk.

Reasoning: Making cigarettes illegal would be sacrificing the jobs of all the tobacco farm workers in the south and reducing the government's yearly revenue by a lot.

Evidence: According to the USDA, there are approximately 90,000 tobacco leaf farms in the U.S. These farms not only sustain the lives of millions, but provide a significant amount of revenue for the government. According to the New York Times, about 19 billion dollars have been collected by the U.S government from cigarette taxes. If we ban cigarettes, you would be sacrificing the lives of millions while diminishing the government's ability to better our communities and public areas. Would you rather have a couple hundred thousand people die from smoking or millions die because they can't support themselves financially? And, since cigarettes are not being purchased as much as before, not as many people are dying. We don't need to make cigarettes illegal. Doing so would just promote chaos.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Assertion: People will still ruin their health and make their lungs bad, even if we do make cigarettes illegal

Reasoning: This is because black markets will start and people will buy their cigarettes from there. Also, war will start and lots of people will die and the population will go down in America.

Evidence: War will start because of the people that are really addicted to cigarettes.

Assertion: People will lose their jobs.

Reasoning: In the United States of America, there are only 3 trillion dollars, which is not that much. There are a lot of people in this world that sell tobacco. If we take away all that business, imagine how much lower the money will go!

Evidence: There are over 350,000 acres of tobacco farming land in just the U.S. If we ban all that tobacco from producing, America will lose over a million dollars.

Assertion: There are other drugs that are worse than cigarettes, why not make those illegal first?

Reasoning: Also, there are other things that are not drugs, that are worse on cigarettes, why not make those illegal first? Did you ever think about working on things that are less popular first, so you do not lose money?

Evidence: People get hurt every day with some items. If we ban those, we are saving people in two ways. We are saving the people that are getting hurt with that item and we are saving the people that would have gotten hurt if war started.

I am Heer Patel and the opposition side has won this debate.

Side: Not Illegal
1 point

Hi! My name is Fisayo Odukoya and I strongly believe that cigarettes should be made illegal.

Here are my points.

Assertion: If cigarettes are illegal then the selling of cigarettes in the black market will increase.

Reasoning: Drugs are illegal but people still take them anyway. They just don't care.

Evidence: In the past year about 30 to 40 million people have taken drugs.

Assertion: Tobacco farmers will lose their jobs.

Reasoning: Many people grow tobacco for a living. If cigarettes are made illegal, they will be out of business.

Evidence: In the US, about 342,932 acres used for tobacco. If cigarettes are made illegal, what will happen to all of that farm land. It cannot be used to grow anything else once tobacco has been grown there.

Once again, I am Fisayo Odukoya and for these reasons the opposition side has won this debate.

Side: Not Illegal