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RSS CupcakeLover

Reward Points:9
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the opposition side of this debate. That means that I believe that the government has not failed at rebuilding the damage from Hurricane Katrina.

Assertion: The government has spent a lot of money to rebuild structures and provide home for the people who lost their homes.

Reasoning: Organizations have been working hard to rebuild homes for the people who have lost theirs.

Evidence: around 16.7 million dollars have been donated to the people who have lost their homes so that their homes can be rebuilt.

Assertion: Much of the gulf coasts infrastructure has been improved.

Reasoning: In April of 2006, over 4,000,000,000 people from the United States have donated money to contribute to the rebuilding.

Evidence: Many schools, roads, bridges, and hospitals have been rebuilt since 2005.

Assertion: The government helped strengthen the protection system in cities after Hurricane Katrina.

Reasoning: The federal government sent help to New Orleans so that the levees can protect the city better than when Hurricane Katrina struck.

Evidence: Officials changed the design of the levees, making them more durable and tougher. They also give a 100 year protection system.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the proposition side of this debate. That means that I support the idea that European nations should be required to accept refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

Assertion: People should help people in need.

Reasoning: People in Africa and the Middle East are running for their lives to escape danger in their country.

Evidence: Today, more than 19 million people have been forced to flee their home countries because of war, persecution, and oppression.

Assertion: Refugees have nowhere else to go.

Reasoning: The U.S. and Islamic countries are not accepting them.

Evidence: If no countries are accepting them then they will have no place to go. People would because of poverty, starvation, and war.

Assertion: These people are living such hard lives in Africa and the Middle East.

Reasoning: These people are coming to Europe for a better life.

Evidence: Europe has many resources that other countries do not have. Also, Europe is the closest to Africa and the Middle East so, it is the best that Europe should take them in.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the proposition side of this debate. That means that I am support the idea that European nations should be required to accept refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

Assertion: Refugees don't have a better place to go

Reasoning: People are facing poverty, starvation, and death.

Evidence: Thousands of refugees are facing poverty, starvation, and death. In Europe, these things will not happen.

Assertion: Nobody else is accepting them.

Reasoning: The U.S. and Islamic countries are not accepting them.

Evidence: The refugees will not have any place to go.

Assertion: There are thousands of refugees trying to come to Europe.

Reasoning: These refugees are coming here for a better life.

Evidence: Europe has many resources that other countries do not have. Also, Europe is the closest place to Africa and the Middle East.

1 point

Hello. My name is Karishma and I am on the opposition side of this debate. I support that European nations should not be required to accept refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

Assertion: Europe would become very overcrowded.

Reasoning: In some places where the refugees are going, there is not a lot of land to hold thousands of refugees.

Evidence: Many refugees are trying to settle in Hungary. Hungary is a very small country. It is not able to hold such a large amount of people.

Assertion: The refugees can bring diseases to Europe.

Reasoning: Some refugees have diseases. If they get to Europe, the diseases will be then Europe's problem.

Evidence:Refugees can give Europeans by accidentally bumping into them or touching something that other Europeans touch.

Assertion: Refugees can cause riots.

Reasoning: Thousands of refugees are coming to Europe from Africa and the middle east. If they get angry, they can do a lot of damage to European countries. Refugees can break through the police force because the police would be outnumbered.

Evidence:Refugees already caused riots because they did not like the food that the European countries were giving them. Imagine what they would do if they really got upset.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the opposition side of this debate.

Assertion: Charities need pennies.

Reasoning: Charities make a lot of money from pennies. They depend on penny drives to bring in money.

Evidence: Charities can make millions of dollars from pennies. Many people donate pennies to penny drives. This makes charities get a lot of money from pennies.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the proposition side of this debate.

Assertion: It costs around double the penny's worth to make a penny.

Reasoning: In 2011, 5 billion pennies were produced. The U.S. spent around $120 million to produce less than $50 million of circulating currency.

Evidence: The penny drains around $900 million from the national economy each year.

Assertion: The penny does not have any use.

Reasoning: In the earlier times, things were cheaper. Now they are not.

Evidence: Before, you could buy a piece of candy like bubble gum for a penny. (These things were called penny candy.) Now, you can not. Things cost more than just a penny.

Assertion: There will not be an economical breakdown.

Reasoning: Pennies are worth very little. People may lose some money but they can always get money from their jobs.

Evidence: Canada abolished the penny and they did not have an economical breakdown.

Pennies should be abolished because the cost to make a penny is double it's worth, the penny does not have any use, and there will not be an economical breakdown.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the opposition side of this debate.

Assertion: Many people would lose their jobs.

Reasoning: Thousands of people work in the tobacco

Evidence: Many people would lose their jobs.

Assertion: Cigarettes would be sold on the black market.

Reasoning: The higher cigarette taxes and federal taxes will make black market sellers more profitable.

Evidence: This will lead to more illegal smuggling of cigarettes.

Assertion: You can make your own choice if you want to smoke.

Reasoning: It says on the box all of the diseases that you can by smoking.

Evidence: 65% of the graphics on the box tell what a cigarette can do to you.

We should make cigarettes illegal because many people can lose their jobs, cigarettes could be sold on the black market, and you can choose if you want to smoke. it is not someone's fault if you get some diseases.

1 point

Hello my name is Karishma and I am on the proposition side of this debate.

Assertion: Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the U.S. each year.

Reasoning:Nearly 280,000 men die from smoking each year. Nearly 200,000 women die from smoking each year.

Evidence: Nearly 480,000 Americans die each year because of smoking.

Assertion: Cigarettes are very expensive.

Reasoning: They cost from $6-$13 every pack.

Evidence: an average smoker would spend about $2000 yearly for packs of cigarettes.

Assertion: Your house can catch on fire.

Reasoning: About 1000 Americans die each year from smoking related house fires.

Evidence: Smoking causes 90,000 fires per year in the U.S. 90% of wildfires in the U.S. are caused by smoking.

Smoking can damage your health, make you poor, and can start a fire.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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