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Cedar Hill Prep School

Gurmehar's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Hello my name is Gurmehar and I support the fact that cigarettes should be illegal.

My first reason why cigarettes should be illegal is that cigarettes harms everyone-smokers and nonsmokers.. When you smoke you are not only affecting yourself, you are affecting other people around you. Smoking also affects people's mental and physical conditions. When you smoke outside people around are inhaling the same smoke smoking which affects them adversely.

My next point why cigarettes should be illegal is that smoking is the most major cause of preventable death. Cigarettes can cause cancer and lung disease, also one out of five deaths in America is caused by smoking. Cigarettes also contain 4,000 chemicals which harms the body.

My last but certainly not least point is that smoking puts a financial burden on society. Cigarettes are very expensive now and each pack costs about $14. People who smoke also have to pay for the health insurance and the medical checkups, also the government has to pay 203 billion dollars for lost productivity, health care costs, medical cost, and lost wages.

To summarize my points, smoking harms everyone-smokers and nonsmokers. My second point was that smoking is the most major cause of preventable death, and my third point was that smoking puts a financial burden on society.

Hence the proposition side has won this debate.

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