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Cedar Hill Prep School

Kaushikv's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaushikv's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Hello, my name is Kaushik Vemparala, and I am arguing for the opposition side of this debate: cigarettes should not be made illegal.

Assertion: Will lead to a rise in black market activity.

Reasoning: If we make cigarettes illegal, people who are addicted to cigarettes will do anything to find an alternative. Then, they will start buying from the black market. will start buying cigarettes from “shady” dealers. Also, people will start smuggling cigarettes like they do with drugs.

Evidence: The banning of drugs started a rise in the black market activity.

Assertion: It will upset the citizens.

Reasoning: When addictive smokers learn that cigarettes became illegal, which they should not, there will be a big revolt.

Evidence: The drug war began after the prohibition of drugs. This war caused mass destruction, and had a huge impact on people's lives in a negative way. Do you want this to happen again?

Assertion: There are people who make a living off of raising tobacco crops.

Reasoning: There are a lot of families that get food on their table by the growing of tobacco. Taking away tobacco would be like taking away their life.

Evidence: North Carolina is the largest producer of tobacco, with around 1,800 tobacco farms, and 30,000 employees. It would be unfair to take away the jobs of these people.

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