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Cedar Hill Prep School

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1 point

Hi my name is Rachel Wanagosit and i believe that the government has not failed in rebuilding the golf coast after hurricane Katrina. This is proven because of the following reasons.

Assertion: Now. Louisiana is ready for a hurricane or any bad storm to hit.

Reasoning: The levees or now much taller than before. Their is hope for many people.

Evidence: according to 14.6 million was spent on levees on the coast. source:

Assertion: Bush did give money to the owners of houses that were destroyed.

Reasoning:The new hurricane protection is way better than it was before Katrina hit. Many houses have been rebuilt. There is basically no reason to worry.

Evidence: Bush spent a lot of money on all of this.

My name is RAchel Wanagosit and I support the idea the government has not failed in rebuilding the gulf coast after Hurricane Katrina.

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