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RSS Jgrachelw

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hello I'm Rachel Wanagosit continuing on what she said before.

Assertion: Second hand smoking is bad for people

Reasoning: Second hand smoking can cause harm to your own children. Any small children is next generation of our world so you don't want them going the wrong way and being like and i quote " Imma gonna smoke a pack wanna come with me"

If you smoke when your pregnant your may not come out normal because of all the bad stuff going through your body to harm the baby.

Evidence: It has been prover that over hundreds of people havr been killed by second hand smoking.

This proves you shouldn't smoke and if you still smoke do it in a far far away place so nobody gets hurt except obviously. Okay except the smoker but that'ls there choice it;s not our fault tried smoking.

1 point

Hello I am Rachel Wanagosit. I think that Cigarettes should be illegal for the following reasons below.

Assertion: We should ban cigarettes.

Reasoning: It causes more deaths a year than all of the other substances put together. Nicotine is very addictive.

Evidence: It is also proven that more than 450,00 deaths were caused by smoking.

( source: )

Assertion:1.1 billion smoke around the world.

Reasoning: First of all smoking isn't doing any good for them. Second has something called nicotine inside of it to make addictive. There is another substance called acetycholine. Both of these working together will increase heart rate. Having high heart rate is bad because this may lead to heart problems. If you have a very serious heart problem you may die from it. This is one of the many ways people die from smoking cigarettes.


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